The Raconteur Roundtable #31 – A Hybrid You Can’t Drive – Kara Dennison
Double the Charity Fanzines, Double the Fun
In the discussion, Sophie Iles speaks about her upcoming Ian and Barbara-themed zine Mild Curiosities, which supports Breast Cancer Now. James and Ben pick her brain about what she’d like to see in submissions, Ian and Barbara’s role in the show, and the mysterious Johnny Chess. It opens for submissions soon! Soph gives hints on the kind of stories and art she wants to see.
Then it’s the return of one of our favorite guests, Kara Dennison. Lovecraftian space opera? Yes, please! Retellings of Edgar Allan Poe stories starring yourself? Yes, please! News on Owl’s Flower #3? At last, like water in the desert! The Perennial Miss Wildthyme and the girl Ben believes is Kara’s grandmother! (Will every episode she’s on have a genelogical reveal about Kara?)
And news about The Hybrid charity zine run by Ginger Hoesly, which focuses on the 12th Doctor and Clara. What submissions do they still need? How can you get involved? Listen to find out!
All this, and MH sounds suspiciously hoarse.
The Hybrid
Kara Dennison
@ RubyCosmos
Owl’s Flower
Mild Curiosities
Escapee from Tarkov
Your post has proven useful to me.
Very good interview.