If Walls Could Talk: Finding Clues in All the Wrong Places – Red Herrings
Can I confess something to y’all? I suck at Red Herrings. There’s something about leading a false trail only to reveal the proper path, to drop breadcrumbs for readers to follow, that eludes me as a writer. To me, it’s one of
If Walls Could Talk: Navigating a Research Marathon
Back when I was writing my first book, I was very new to the mystery genre. For those of you who haven't heard the story of that particular project, I went looking to write a 10k story and ended up
If Walls Could Talk: What to do When a Piece Doesn’t Work
When I write these weekly columns, I like to thank my tone is chill and informal. I’m writing to you all as if I’m chatting with friends. I’ve been fortunate that I can write in a fairly relaxed style for