The DeSoto Ghost: a Sockhops & Seances Interview with M. Lopes da Silva!
Please tell us a bit about your story!
I love ghosts and ghost stories in a huddle-around-the-campfire way, but the story I wrote for Sockhops & Seances is not a fun one. I think I wanted to tell that kind of story, and there’s elements of that in “The De Soto Ghost,” but the story soon sorted itself out into something a lot sadder than that.
What inspired your story?
I wish that I didn’t have a ready source of inspiration for this story. I grew up in an abusive household, and often stayed with my mother at women’s shelters. One of the young girls that I befriended at a shelter was murdered by her boyfriend – someone she loved and trusted. This has haunted me my entire life.
I’ve seen too many children trained to love and respect abuse. This sick miseducation is killing kids, and creating very real ghosts.
What was it about Sockhops & Seances that captured your imagination?
I am fond of a lot of 1950s kitsch aesthetics and oddball novelty stuff, and I love writing horror. The call you posted had so much appeal that I knew I simply had to write something.
Where can our readers find you online?
My tweeter handle is @_MLopesdaSilva. I also have a blog at
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