We’re back. 2021 was a hard year that hit all of us at 18thWall. We’ve been working on many projects in the background, and now we’re ready to bring the best creations to you.
You may have noticed we’ve been quiet on social media for some time. We’ve all been run through the wringer in various ways. I (James) lost my father in late Summer, and had to step away to help settle his affairs. We’ve all had hard times, but I’ll leave that for other members of the team to speak about if and when they so choose.
Because of all of this, the schedule has unfortunately slipped. We’ve been working behind the scenes to get everything ready for a new year, and we’re excited to be back in touch with all of you. Expect to hear from us much more often, and expect interesting posts and news.
My earliest memories are stories. My parents reading to me. My dad telling me an unending saga about Dracula and those who oppose his evil plans, a serial that began as early as I can remember and only trailed off around the time I was 12. Everything we do is to share that sense of wonder.
We’re excited to be able to share with you again. In the near future, we will provide updates on upcoming projects and hopefully announce new ones in the works.
Thank you to our authors for their patience.
Thank you to our readers for your support.
We can’t wait to be a part of making your 2022 brighter.
A Word from Mary Helen
Mary Helen here. I’ll chime in on my end. Over the last almost two years, I’ve been dealing with a chronic illness. It took almost a year (and several doctors) to get a diagnosis and to this day, we’re still nailing down a treatment plan to help me manage my symptoms. I’ll be talking a bit more about it in the first If Walls Could Talk.
Elizabeth Duffy
Wishing a very warm welcome back to 18th Wall and the best of luck for the year ahead.